SignTap Kanji入力メソッドは日本語の漢字を効果的に入力するプログラムです。SignTap Kanji Input Method is an input method to enter Chinese characters in Japanese (kanji) without knowing their pronunciation.
発音、書き順、部首などがわからない漢字を、漢字の形と構成をもとに入力できます。日本語学習中の外国人の方に最適、もちろん日本人にも使いやすくなっています。姉妹品SignTap Kanji(PDA対応)のPC対応品です。
SignTap Kanji Input Method is the program allowing users to enter Chinese characters used in Japanese (kanji)into your PC. Due to the interactive input method based on shape and components of a character, users can input a Kanji character without knowing pronunciation, stroke order or radical. For PDA, please see our SignTap Kanji.